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Działania na rzecz bezpieczeństwa edukacyjnego studentów I roku


Providing educational safety to the 1st-year students

Słowa kluczowe: student, bezpieczeństwo edukacyjne, wybór kierunku studiów, sytuacja społeczno-ekonomiczna, kompetencje.

Key words: student, educational safety, choice of the field of study, socio-economic situation, competence.

Abstract: The 1st-year students choose the field of study according to their interests regardless of the socio-economic situation of family they come from. They consider the importance of the practical profile and having social competence essential on the labour market. The university education enables them to get the higher education, ensuring the educational safety thanks to a tailor-measured educational offer. The article presents the feedback from the research conducted on the group of 574 1st-year students, considering financial background and students’ educational expectations that influence the university educational policy in practice.